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What You Need to Know About Oilfield Injuries in Texas

 Posted on March 13,2024 in Personal Injury


Midland, TX oilfield injury lawyerWorking in the oilfield industry in Texas comes with inherent risks and potential dangers that can lead to various types of serious injuries. Understanding the most common forms of oilfield-related injuries is crucial for employees and employers to ensure safety measures and proper protocols are in place to prevent accidents. 

However, if you have already been injured in an oilfield accident, an experienced attorney can assist you in pursuing the compensation you may be entitled to. Your lawyer will also ensure you meet required legal deadlines, such as filing your case within two years of your injury.

Here Are the Most Common Causes of Oilfield Injuries

  • Falls and slips – One of the most common forms of oilfield-related injuries is falls and slips. Working on elevated platforms, scaffolding, or slippery surfaces can increase the risk of falls, leading to fractures, head injuries, and other serious consequences. Employers should implement safety measures such as proper training, fall protection equipment, and regular inspections to prevent slip and fall accidents in the oilfield. 

  • Equipment malfunctions – Malfunctioning equipment in the oilfield can result in severe injuries to workers. Malfunctioning machinery, faulty tools, or poor maintenance can lead to crush injuries, amputations, and other traumatic incidents. Employers should prioritize regular equipment inspections, maintenance, and employee training to prevent equipment-related accidents in the oilfield. 

  • Fires and explosions—The presence of flammable materials and hazardous substances is among the most significant risks in an oilfield. The areas in and around oilfields present a unique risk of explosions. Workers can suffer severe burns, respiratory injuries, and other serious harm caused by a fire or explosion. Employers must adhere to strict safety protocols, provide proper training on handling hazardous materials, and maintain emergency response plans to minimize the risk of fires and explosions in the oilfield. 

  • Exposure to toxic chemicals – Oilfield workers are often exposed to toxic chemicals and substances that can cause long-term health issues and injuries. Inhalation of toxic fumes, skin contact with hazardous materials, or ingesting harmful substances can lead to respiratory problems, skin conditions, and other health complications. 

Contact Our Austin, TX Oilfield Injuries Attorney

Being aware of the most common forms of oilfield-related injuries is essential for oilfield workers to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents. If you work in an oilfield and suffered an injury, contact the experienced Midland, TX oilfield injuries lawyers with Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC.. Call 512-474-2222 for a free consultation.

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