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Travis County Attorneys for Post-Divorce Modifications

Support and Custody Order Enforcement Lawyers Serving Austin and Georgetown
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with the observation, "The only thing that is constant in life is change." All of us face different types of change every day, including at work, at home, and within our families. In the years that follow the finalization of your divorce, your life will continue to change as well. Such changes could result in dramatically different circumstances from those that were in place when the court entered your divorce decree. In fact, things may now be so different that the terms of the original judgment no longer address your needs or those of your children.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., in Austin, Texas, our skilled family law attorneys have been helping individuals and families with their post-decree modification concerns since 1996. With more than 50 years of combined experience, we understand the importance of seeking a modification when necessary. However, we also know that due to the sensitive nature of the topics in question, modification proceedings can quickly become contentious and bitter. Our attorneys will work hard to resolve your modification case as quickly as possible while helping you maintain an amicable relationship with your former spouse. We are also prepared to go to trial if necessary to protect your best interests and those of your children.
Divorce Decree Modification Attorneys in Odessa and Midland
If you would like to obtain a modification to your existing order for child custody (conservatorship), child support, or spousal maintenance, you will need to provide proof of a material and substantial change in the relevant circumstances. In most cases, changes in circumstances are largely financial, but other considerations may also be taken to account. Your request for modification could be approved if:
- Either party experiences a significant increase or decrease in income
- Either party is no longer able to work
- Either party gets married again or has additional children
- Your child who is at least 12 years of age wishes to change the appointed primary caregiver
- Your child's educational or medical needs change substantially
- Either party consistently fails to comply with support or custody obligations
- Either party wishes to relocate to a new city or state.
The most reliable way to secure an order modification is by negotiating an agreement on the matter with your ex-spouse. If such an agreement is not possible, it will be up to the court to decide on whether to grant the request. Modifications to a child-related order, including custody or support, will only be made if the proposed modifications are found to be in the child's best interests. For spousal maintenance orders or other property concerns, the best interests of both parties will be considered. Our lawyers will work with you in reviewing your situation and evaluating the chances of getting your modification approved.
Ector County Family Law Enforcement Lawyers
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we understand how frustrating it can be when your former spouse or your child's other parent fails to live up to the obligations assigned to him or her by the court. Whether he or she consistently fails to pay ordered support or refuses to abide by the terms of your custody arrangement, our attorneys can help you take appropriate action. With our experience and background, we know how to utilize a variety of enforcement methods, including freezing assets, requesting wage garnishments, and filing petitions for contempt of court. We pledge to do everything possible under the law to ensure that your best interests and those of your children are fully protected.
Let Us Help You
If you have additional questions about post-divorce modifications and enforcement actions in Central Texas, contact our office. Call 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 to schedule a free, confidential consultation with one of our seasoned family law attorneys today. We serve clients in Travis County, Williamson County, Ector County, Hays County, Midland County, and the neighboring communities. Hablamos Español.