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Travis County Burglary Defense Lawyers

Attorneys in Austin and Midland for Defendants Charged with Trespassing or Breaking and Entering
Under Texas law, there are many different terms used to describe various types of property crimes. For example, the terms "theft," "robbery," and "burglary" all refer to distinct offenses with specific criteria for securing a conviction. Due to how such terms are used in the media and differences in state laws, it can be confusing for a defendant to know exactly what he or she has been accused of when certain charges are filed against him or her.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., our experienced criminal defense attorneys understand the confusion that you may be experiencing if you have been charged with burglary in the state of Texas. We also know how serious such charges can be and how the penalties for a conviction could affect the rest of your life. With this in mind, we are here to help you build an effective defense against burglary charges while ensuring that your rights and best interests are fully protected.
Understanding Burglary Charges in Midland County
The crime of burglary is sometimes known as "breaking and entering," and you could face burglary charges even if you are not accused of stealing anything. The Texas Penal Code provides that burglary is committed when a person gains unlawful entry to a building with the intent of committing theft, assault, or some type of felony. The law does not require the intended crime to be committed; the intent is enough for prosecutors to file burglary charges.
The severity of a burglary charge in the state of Texas depends on several factors, including the type of building in question. If you are accused of burglary of a business or retail outlet, you will likely face a state jail felony charge, punishable by a sentence of up to two years in state jail and a fine of $10,000. If you are facing charges for burglary of a residential building, including a house or apartment complex, the charge is likely to be at least a second-degree felony. A conviction could result in up to 20 years in prison. Charges could be elevated further depending on the specific felony you allegedly intended to commit.
Building Your Best Defense
The team at Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. consists of seasoned criminal defense lawyers with more than 50 years of combined experience. Since opening our doors in 1996, we have successfully managed many cases involving felony burglary charges, and we are ready and willing to help you with yours. We are proud of the reputation we have earned in the Texas legal community as efficient, trustworthy lawyers who communicate openly and honestly with not only our clients but also with judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, and fellow attorneys.
When you choose our firm to represent you in a burglary case, we will conduct a full investigation of the circumstances of your arrest and the actions you are accused of committing. We will listen closely to your side of the story and review the evidence that prosecutors may have against you. Once we have acquired all of the relevant information, we will work with you to build a case designed to obtain the best possible outcome for your unique situation. Whether that means negotiating a favorable plea deal or defending your interests at trial, we will remain at your side every step of the way.
Schedule a Free Consultation
If you or a member of your family has been charged with burglary or a related property crime, contact our office to get the help you need. Call 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 for a free consultation with a member of our team today. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our firm serves clients in Austin, Midland, Odessa, Georgetown, Travis County, Midland County, Hays County, Ector County, Williamson County, and the surrounding areas. Hablamos Español.