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Austin, Texas Child Custody Attorneys

Lawyers in Travis County Helping Clients With Conservatorship of Children
According to the Texas Family Code, child custody is officially called "conservatorship." Family courts in Texas have the authority to grant custody rights to parents (or other individuals, in rare cases) while keeping the child's best interest as the primary consideration. If you wish to maintain custody of or access to your child following a divorce or breakup, you will need to show that your presence and participation in your child's life will serve his or her best interests.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., our Austin family law attorneys have been helping both mothers and fathers in conservatorship matters since 1996. Our lawyers have more than 50 years of combined experience and a favorable reputation among not only our satisfied clients but also in the legal community of Central Texas. We are known as a law firm that is open, honest, and dedicated to getting the best possible results for those who choose to work with us. If you are a parent who is facing a divorce or you have non-divorce custody concerns, we will provide the trusted guidance you need and the skilled representation you deserve.
Types of Conservatorship in Texas
There are several types of conservatorship that can be ordered by a Texas family court:
- Joint managing conservatorship: When both parents are willing and able to play an active role in their child's life, the court may order joint managing conservatorship, sometimes called "joint custody." To facilitate such an order, a joint parenting plan must be drafted and approved, which outlines each parent's rights, responsibilities, and access to the child.
- Sole managing conservatorship: The court also has the discretion to grant managing conservatorship to just one parent. Also known as "sole custody," sole managing conservatorship gives the parent full responsibility for making important decisions regarding the child.
- Possessory conservatorship: A parent who is not given managing responsibilities for his or her child will usually be granted possessory conservatorship. This means that he or she is still considered the child's legal parent and has rights to visitation, but he or she does not have the final word on most decisions that affect the child.
Georgetown Lawyers Protecting Your Parental Rights
The knowledgeable attorneys at Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. understand that joint managing conservatorship is the most common parenting arrangement after a Texas divorce. In fact, Texas law presumes that granting joint managing conservatorship is in the child's best interests unless there is proof to the contrary. Such proof could include a history of family violence, abandonment by one parent, or behavior that places the child in any type of danger.
When you choose our firm to help with your child custody case, we will do everything possible under the law to ensure that your rights are fully protected. We will take the time to listen to your needs and those of your children so that we can help you develop a parenting plan proposal to match your unique circumstances. From there, we will facilitate negotiations, as appropriate, with your child's other parent and his or her lawyer. If an agreement cannot be reached on a reasonable custody arrangement, we are fully prepared to take your case to trial to get the best possible outcome for both your child and you.
Call 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 for a Free Consultation
To learn more about our practice and how we can help with your child custody or conservatorship concerns, contact our office. Call 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 to schedule a free, no-obligation with one of our experienced family law attorneys today. We represent both fathers and mothers in Austin, Georgetown, Odessa, Midland, Midland County, Hays County, Ector County, Williamson County, Travis County, and the surrounding communities. Hablamos Español.