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Austin Money Laundering Defense Attorneys

Criminal Defense Lawyers for Federal Money Laundering Charges in Travis County
Money laundering is a serious federal crime that carries up to 20 years in prison and up to a $500,000 fine. Clearly, the federal government takes concealing the profits of a crime very seriously. If convicted, you could also face forfeiture of any assets the government believes were purchased with laundered money. You will also face social and professional consequences that can last for the rest of your life.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, understands the peril you are in when you have been accused of federal money laundering. We take your presumption of innocence very seriously and will defend your rights at every stage in the prosecution. Our attorneys strive to achieve positive outcomes through fair, honest, and zealous representation.
Building Strong Defense Against Money Laundering Charges
The penalties associated with federal money laundering can be on par with crimes generally considered much more severe in nature, like some hate crimes. This is because money laundering is typically an attempt to cover up the profits from another crime in order to make them appear legitimate. Defendants who are charged with federal money laundering are often also charged with another crime such as drug trafficking or fraud. This secondary crime is often the source of the money being laundered.
Because more than one offense is typically alleged, defending against federal money laundering prosecutions may require a multifaceted, comprehensive approach. Our attorneys use a variety of strategies for defending clients from these charges. Some accused persons may have lacked knowledge as to the true source of the profits, or were unaware of a business partners' criminal dealings.
We will also meticulously review the results of any searches and seizures conducted against you to determine whether any constitutional rights violations can be alleged. Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, takes the rights of criminal defendants very seriously and will not allow the government to violate them at any point. We strive to build the strongest possible defenses for our clients.
Representing Federal White-Collar Crime Defendants
Money laundering is considered a white-collar crime. White-collar crimes are typically financial crimes committed by professionals, as opposed to street-level crimes involving weapons charges or drug charges. White-collar defendants often have an additional set of concerns when they face federal criminal prosecutions, such as protecting a professional license or preserving career opportunities.
Our attorneys understand the concerns unique to white-collar defendants. In money laundering cases, there is often a unique intersection between white-collar financial crime and profit-driven street crime. The proceeds from drug distribution or sex crime rings may be laundered through a legitimate-appearing business. Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, are skilled in addressing both aspects of money laundering cases to secure the best possible outcome for our clients.
Whether the alleged source of the illegal profits is another white-collar crime or a different type of offense, we will construct a comprehensive defense that addresses each allegation.
Contact a Texas Federal Money Laundering Defense Attorney
If you have been accused of federal money laundering, whether by itself or as a secondary offense, Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, can construct a strong, legally grounded defense for you. Contact us online or call 512-474-2222 to set up a free consultation. We serve Texas clients in Travis, Williamson, Hays, Midland, and all Texas Counties.