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Austin Federal Weapons Charges Lawyer

Attorneys in Travis County for Defending Against Federal Weapons Charges
Federal weapons charges are to be taken seriously. While the Second Amendment offers some protections for Americans who wish to keep and use firearms, there are limits on these rights. Illegally possessing, transporting, or distributing firearms is a serious crime. Whether you are being charged for simple possession of a firearm by a felon or a for your alleged role in a large-scale gun distribution operation, you will need an experienced legal defense team to avoid potentially life-altering consequences.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, has over 50 years of cumulative experience defending clients accused of federal weapons charges. We understand the risk you are facing when you answer a federal prosecution and will strive to develop and assert your best possible defense. Our lawyers are experienced at raising Second Amendment arguments and a litany of other possible defenses that may be available depending on the facts of your case.
Lawyers in Hays County for Any Federal Weapons Charge
Federal weapons crimes include a broad range of offenses of varying severity. The exact sentence you could be facing will depend on the specific offense charged, but sentencing can be harsh for those the court sees as dangerous due to unlawful firearms handling. Federal weapons charges include:
- Unlawful possession - Certain people, such as those who have been convicted of a felony, are not permitted to possess a firearm and will be charged if caught with one - even if it is inoperable or locked up out of reach.
- Fraud - Providing false information or making false statements to obtain a gun or concealed weapons permit is a federal crime. Incorrect information is sometimes provided in error, and defenses based on lack of intent may succeed.
- Trafficking - This charge involves the smuggling and distribution of unlawful firearms across state lines. Individuals engaged in gun trafficking may also have ties to drug trafficking or human trafficking, potentially leading to an extreme series of charges.
- Import/Export - When guns are illegally brought in or out of the country, this charge is taken very seriously.
- Violence - If a gun was used in an illegal manner, a federal weapons charge can result. Self-defense arguments sometimes prevail in these cases depending on the situation.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, is prepared to take on any type of federal weapons charge.
Second Amendment Rights Defenses
Constitutional defenses grounded in the Second Amendment or in other constitutional rights can be a powerful tool in defending against weapons crimes prosecutions at the federal level. The regulations surrounding who can possess what type of gun, and when, and where, and under what circumstances can be difficult to interpret. Laws may vary as you exercise your right to move between states, potentially landing you in trouble for what you believed was lawful conduct.
We are committed to protecting the Second Amendment rights of our clients. Our firm takes the right to bear arms very seriously and will strive to prevent our clients from facing harsh penalties for attempting to exercise those rights. We fight for fair, reasonable resolutions to every case.
Contact a Texas Federal Weapons Charges Defense Lawyer
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, has the experience and skill needed to achieve a positive resolution to your federal weapons charge. Contact us at 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation. We proudly serve clients throughout Texas in Austin, Midland, Georgetown, and all Texas cities.