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Austin Federal Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Travis County Lawyers for Those Facing Federal Human Trafficking and Sex Crime Charges
Being charged with any kind of federal sex crime is an extraordinarily serious matter. All accused persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty, but it may seem as if you have already been convicted in the "court of public opinion." The legal penalties are severe and can include decades in prison, astronomical fines, registration as a sex offender, and even forfeiture of your personal assets depending on the exact nature of the alleged crime. Arguably, the social ramifications are just as bad.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, treats all clients with respect and dignity regardless of what they have been accused of. We understand the jeopardy people accused of sex crimes are in and serve as aggressive advocates at every stage in the prosecution. Our lawyers are committed to ensuring that the rights of all defendants are upheld throughout the proceedings.
Defense Lawyers for All Types of Federal Sex Crimes
Any sex offense has the potential to ruin your career and reputation, even after you have served out your legal sentence. Unlike fraud or drug crimes, sex offenses may carry extreme social and legal repercussions that can affect every aspect of your life, including where you can live and what kind of work you can do. Crimes against children are considered especially severe and may result in lifetime inclusion on the national sex offender's registry.
If you have been accused of a federal sex crime, you will need an aggressive legal defense team to avoid permanent consequences. Sex crimes that may be prosecuted at the federal level include:
- Child pornography
- Sexual abuse of a minor
- Rape
- Prostitution
- Kidnapping to commit a sexual offense
- Aggravated sexual abuse
Federal charges typically result when you allegedly crossed state lines to commit a sex offense, have an alleged victim in a different state, or are accused of possessing or distributing illicit materials that have been transported across state lines, including over the internet. Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, will explore all possible defenses you may have in order to put forth the strongest possible arguments on your behalf.
Federal Human Trafficking Charges
Human trafficking, including sex trafficking for prostitution purposes and the sale of minors for sexual purposes, is one of the most serious offenses in the United States. Modern sexual slavery is universally deplored, which means that defending against this extreme charge can be an enormous uphill battle. You are entitled to be presumed innocent, although you may feel as if you are already being treated as guilty.
The nature of this offense can provoke strong emotional reactions in the public that may lead to "conviction" by the media if your case garners attention. Our attorneys are dedicated to protecting your presumption of innocence despite the serious allegations against you.
Representing clients accused of human trafficking and sex trafficking offenses often requires fierce protection of the constitutional rights all criminal defendants are afforded. Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, believes that all defendants should enjoy the same constitutional protections, no matter what they have been accused of.
Contact a Texas Lawyer for Federal Sex Crimes and Human Trafficking Defense
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, has over 50 years of cumulative experience protecting the rights of clients accused of sex offenses and human trafficking. Contact us at 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation with an understanding attorney. We represent clients accused of federal crimes in Travis, Midland, Hays, Williamson and all Counties in Texas from several convenient locations.