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Austin, Texas Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyer

Attorney for Manufacturing or Delivery of Controlled Substances in Travis County and Midland County
Criminal cases involving controlled substances are taken very seriously, and those who are facing drug charges will often be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. While a conviction for drug possession can result in steep fines, lengthy prison sentences, or other consequences, the penalties are even more severe if a person is charged with drug manufacturing or trafficking. In these cases, it is more crucial than ever to be represented by a criminal defense attorney who understands the laws related to controlled substances and the best strategies for defense.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., our lawyers have represented clients in a wide variety of drug cases, and we can help you understand your best options for defending against these types of charges. With over 50 years of combined legal experience, we know how to help you achieve the ideal outcome to your case, whether that means working with a prosecutor to negotiate a plea bargain or taking your case to trial to pursue an acquittal. We will always keep you fully informed about your case, and we will fight to protect your rights at all times.
Drug Trafficking or Manufacturing Charges
Charges of manufacturing controlled substances may apply in any situation involving the production, preparation, or processing of illegal drugs, including performing chemical synthesis or extraction of substances or packaging or labeling drugs for the purpose of selling them. Texas law refers to drug trafficking as "delivery," and this may involve transporting drugs, transferring them into someone else's possession, or offering to sell controlled substances.
Texas law categorizes controlled substances into several different "penalty groups," and the penalties for manufacture or delivery of drugs will depend on which group the drug is included in. For example, manufacturing or delivering between one and four grams of a drug in Penalty Group 1, such as methamphetamine, cocaine, or heroin, is a second-degree felony. These charges may be punished by a jail sentence of 2 to 20 years, as well as a maximum of $10,000 in fines.
Notably, a person may be charged with the offense of drug manufacture or delivery if they possess a controlled substance with the intent to sell or deliver it to someone else. In many cases, simply possessing large amounts of a controlled substance may be considered evidence that a person intends to sell or transport these drugs. In other cases, the possession of items related to drug trafficking, such as scales or packaging materials, may be a reason for prosecutors to pursue charges of drug manufacturing or delivery.
Another concern related to accusations of drug trafficking is the possibility that an alleged offender may face federal charges. Federal agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) may become involved in the investigation of cases involving large quantities of controlled substances, and federal prosecutors may choose to pursue charges for drug trafficking that occurs across state lines or international boundaries or for other violations of federal laws. In these cases, mandatory minimum sentences often apply if a person is convicted, so it is important for a defendant to work with a defense attorney who is experienced in defending against federal crimes.
Contact Our Travis County and Williamson County Drug Crimes Defense Attorneys
The attorneys of Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. are highly skilled and experienced in cases involving controlled substances, and we can help you determine the steps you can take to defend against serious drug charges. We will make sure you take the right steps to reach a positive outcome to your case and minimize the potential consequences you may face. To arrange a free consultation with our criminal defense lawyers, contact us by calling 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499. We serve clients in Austin, Midland, Georgetown, Travis County, Midland County, Williamson County, and Hays County. Hablamos Español.