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Travis County Family Violence Lawyer

Attorneys Defending Against Charges of Domestic Violence or Abuse in Austin and Midland
Being charged with a crime can affect your life in many different ways. In addition to the penalties that come with a conviction, a criminal record can affect your employment and your ability to obtain housing or education. However, family violence charges can often have an even more drastic effect. Accusations of domestic violence or abuse could lead to a restraining order being taken out against you, and you could lose custody of your children or experience problems with other family relationships. To address these types of accusations and determine how you can defend against family violence charges, you will want to secure representation from a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.
The lawyers at Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. work to ensure that criminal defendants have high-quality representation, and we bring more than 50 years of combined experience to every case. If you have been accused of committing domestic violence, we will advise you about the best ways to respond to these accusations, and we will help you provide evidence and witness testimony demonstrating your good character and showing that you are not a threat to your family members. We will fight to protect your rights during your case, and we will fight to make sure you can maintain your relationships with your children or other family members.
Family Violence Charges in Texas
The laws in the state of Texas group cases involving domestic violence or abuse under the category of family violence. These cases may involve any situation in which a person allegedly takes actions against a member of their family or a person who lives in their household with the intent of causing bodily harm, or when they make threats that cause a member of their family or household to reasonably fear that they or other family members will experience a bodily injury. Family violence may also involve sexual assault or crimes against children such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, or the use of controlled substances that causes a child to suffer physical or emotional injuries.
Often, family violence cases will result in charges of assault. This is typically charged as a Class A misdemeanor, although charges may be elevated to a third-degree or second-degree felony if a person had previously been convicted of domestic assault or if they allegedly choked, strangled, or suffocated their victim when committing family violence. If a family violence case involves the use of a deadly weapon or the infliction of serious bodily injury, it may be charged as aggravated assault, which is a second-degree or first-degree felony. Two or more instances of domestic assault within a 12-month period can result in charges of continuous violence against the family, which is a third-degree felony.
If a family violence case results in a Class A misdemeanor conviction, an offender may face up to $4,000 in fines and up to one year in jail. A felony conviction carries a prison sentence of 2 to 10 years for a third-degree felony, 2 to 20 years for a second-degree felony, or 5 to 99 years for a first-degree felony. Felony convictions may also result in fines of up to $10,000.
Contact Our Travis County and Midland County Family Violence Defense Attorney
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. can provide the defense you need in family violence cases. By taking immediate steps to address accusations of domestic violence or abuse, you can determine the best defense strategy to avoid or minimize criminal consequences, protect your reputation, and maintain relationships with your family members or others who may be involved in the case. Contact our criminal defense lawyers today by calling us at 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 to schedule a complimentary consultation. We represent clients charged with family violence or other criminal offenses in Austin, Hays County, Travis County, Georgetown, Williamson County, Ector County, and Midland County. Hablamos Español.