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Novert Morales
Attorney and Founder
Novert Morales is the founding partner of Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC.. formally Morales & Navarrete, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. Morales Law Office has law offices in Austin, Midland, and Georgetown, Texas.
Novert Morales practices primarily in the areas of Criminal Law, Personal Injury, and in Federal Court. Novert Morales is the past Chair of the Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and member of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. He is also a former Director with the Texas Young Lawyer Association and former member of the Bar Leadership Committee and the Hispanic Issue Section of the State Bar of Texas.
He is a past member of the College of the State Bar and has been awarded "Business Man of the Year" by the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in 2003 and the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in 2011. Novert A. Morales was also a former Ambassador with the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. In 2014 he was honored as a "Distinguished Alumni" at St. Ann's Catholic School in Midland, Texas and was recently awarded the Roy Lozano's Ballet Folklorico de Texas – Service and Leadership Award for his work and effort in Austin and the surrounding communities. Novert Morales is married to Wendy Morales and has three (3) children: Jerika, Javrey, and Jonluke. Novert Morales was born and raised in Midland, Texas, and has lived in Austin, Texas since 2005.
Practice Areas:
Educational Background:
Law School:
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Houston, Texas, November 1994, J.D.
Texas State University (Southwest Texas State Univ), San Marcos, Texas, 1991, B.A. Political Science
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice:
Texas, 1994
Honors and Awards:
- Young Lawyer "Pro Bono Award", West Texas Legal Service, 1995
- Young Lawyer "Pro Bono Award", West Texas Legal Service, 1997
- Young Lawyer "Pro Bono Award", West Texas Legal Service, 1999
- Recipient of the TYLA Presidents Merit Award for TYLA project, 1998
- Thurgood Marshall School of Law Award, Service to the State Bar, 1997
- GAHCC, Ambassador of the Month, 2009
- Business Man of the Year, Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 2003
- Business Man of the Year, Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 2011
- Distinguished Alumni Award, St. Anns Catholic School, Midland, Texas, 2014
- Roy Lozano's Ballet Folklorico de Texas, Service and Leadership Award, 2019
Current/Past Affiliations:
- Midland County Young Lawyers Association, Past President
- State Bar of Texas, Texas Young Lawyers Association, District 17, Former Director, 1995 - 1999
- State Bar of Texas, Former Local Bar Services Committee Member
- State Bar of Texas, Former Texas Minority Counsel Program Member
- Fellow, Texas Bar Foundation
- ABA, Minority Director Young Lawyer, Texas Division
- Criminal Defense Lawyers Project / TCDLA, Completed the Trial Advocacy Institute, 1997
- Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Board of Director, 2009 - 2013
- Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Past Chair, 2011 - 2012
- Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Board of Director, 2014 - 2015
- Capital Area Public Defenders Service, Board of Directors, 2015 - Present
- State Bar of Texas, Hispanic Issues Section, Council, 2017 - Present
- State Bar of Texas, Hispanic Issues Section, Secretary, 2019 - Present
Community Involvement:
- City of Midland, Member of the Parks and Recreation Committee, 1998 - 2002
- City of Midland, Member of the Tax Incremental Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ ) Board, 2002 - 2004
- Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Former Director
- National Hispanic Professional Organization (NHPO), Treasurer, 2007 - 2008
- Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Ambassador, 2008 - 2010
- Hispanic Scholarship Consortium, Fundraising Committee, 2011
- Social Latino, Founding Member of the Austin Business Networking Group, 2011
- Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors, 2015 - 2019
- Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Secretary, 2017 - 2018
- Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Chair Elect, 2018 - 2019
- Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Chair, 2019 - 2020
- Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Past Chair, 2020 - 2021
- Austin Chamber of Commerce, Ex Officio Member, 2020 - 2021
Volunteer Work:
- Austin High School, Red Jackets Spring Show (Music)
- Speaker: East Austin College Prep Academy, 7th and 8th Graders
- St Ignatius Catholic Church, Fall Fest Family Fair, Turkey Booth Chair
- Townlake YMCA, Head Soccer Coach, 5 - 7yr olds, 2009
- Townlake YMCA, Head Basketball Coach, 5 - 7yr olds, 2010
- Southwest YMCA, Head Soccer Coach, 8 - 9 yr olds, Fall 2011
- WAYA (West Austin Youth Association), Head Coach Basketball Boys 8yr olds, Fall 2013
- Western Hills Baseball, Little League Red Sox Team / Assist. Coach, Spring 2014
- Pop Warner Football Program, Westlake / Assistant Coach, 9-11 yr olds, 2014
- Western Hills Baseball, Little League Red Sox Team / Head Coach, Spring 2015
Relevant Past Employment Positions:
Assistant City Attorney
- City of Midland, Texas
- 1994 - 1996