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Austin Federal Fraud Charges Attorney

Defense Law Firm in Travis County for Fraud Cases in United States District Court
The wide-reaching implications of a federal fraud conviction can have a major detrimental impact on the rest of your life. A conviction carries a potential prison sentence of up to 20 years for some types of fraud, and the fines associated can be crippling. In addition to other criminal penalties, you are likely to face forfeiture of any assets the government believes are derived from the proceeds of fraud. Further, your reputation and professional career could suffer irreparable harm if you are not well-defended.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, has over 50 years of combined experience representing clients accused of all types of federal fraud. We take protecting the constitutional rights of our clients extremely seriously and strive to achieve fair outcomes for every case. Our attorneys understand the jeopardy persons accused of fraud are in and will aggressively fight to defend your reputation and future.
Midland Defense Lawyers for All Types of Federal Fraud Charges
Fraud can take many forms depending on the method used and who the victim or victims are. The common thread is that dishonesty is used to profit financially. This typically involves providing false information to an institution or individual with the intent to deceive them into turning over money. Fraud schemes may be as simple as misrepresenting your debt on a loan application or as complex as a nationwide phishing scheme.
Types of fraud that may be federally prosecuted include:
- Bank Fraud
- Credit Card Fraud
- Immigration Fraud
- Wire Fraud
- Mail Fraud
- False claims to the government
- Tax Fraud
- Identity Fraud
In some cases, money laundering is also charged if there was an attempt to conceal any profits from the alleged fraud. Regardless of the exact nature of your federal fraud charges, it is critical that you take the matter seriously and seek out skilled legal representation. The federal government has significant resources to dedicate to each fraud prosecution, but Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC is prepared for the challenge of facing off with it in court.
Crafting Strong Defenses to Federal Fraud Charges
To secure a conviction, the prosecution must prove not only that you provided false information, but also that you did so with the intent to commit fraud. Courts are to presume that a defendant is innocent until the moment he is proven guilty, but it may not feel as if this is true.
Incorrect information is sometimes provided by innocent mistake, or official forms may be filled in error. A number of honest mistakes may lead to fraud charges if they result in financial gain. A meticulous review of a number of financial documents may be required to craft a strong intent-based defense.
Our lawyers assess the facts of each fraud accusation to determine whether an intent-based defense may apply. The federal government can be quick to assign nefarious intention to actions that could be just as readily explained by simple human error.
Prosecutors bear the burden of proving that a defendant intended to commit fraud beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a high standard, but the federal government has enormous resources to devote to meeting it. Our law firm will carefully examine the details of your case to determine what defenses we may be able to fairly present on your behalf.
Speak With a Texas Federal Fraud Defense Attorney
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, has the experience necessary to craft strong legal defenses grounded in constitutional law or based on the facts of the case. Contact our office by calling 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation. We proudly serve clients facing federal charges in Midland, Austin, Georgetown, Hays, and all Texas cities.