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What Should I Do If There is a Warrant Out for My Arrest?

 Posted on November 04,2022 in Criminal Defense

Austin, TX criminal defense lawyerFew circumstances produce the anxiety associated with being wanted by the police on suspicion of criminal activity. An arrest warrant allows the police to arrest you at any time and you have no way of knowing when it will happen. You could be pulled over for a minor infraction like speeding when the police realize there is a warrant for your arrest and promptly place you in handcuffs. Or, you could visit the courthouse for a completely unrelated reason and then find yourself being arrested in front of everyone. An unexpected arrest like this can feel like an ambush. It is usually inconvenient, upsetting, and embarrassing to be arrested without any forewarning.

A jail walk-through is an alternative option for individuals with a warrant out for their arrest. The defendant essentially turns himself or herself in to the police before the police find and arrest him or her. If there is a warrant out for your arrest, you may want to consider a jail walk-through.

Do Not Wait to Be Picked Up By The Police

When someone learns that they are wanted by police, their first instinct may be to simply stay home or hide out somewhere. However, this is not a realistic long-term solution. This option forces you to give up control over how, when, and where the arrest takes place. If you wait for the police to find you, you may end up getting arrested in front of your family members, friends, or coworkers, which can be extremely embarrassing. You may not have a chance to set up childcare arrangements, talk to your boss about missing work, or handle other responsibilities. This can put you in a major predicament.

Consider a Voluntary Surrender with Help from an Experienced Lawyer  

Instead of waiting for police to arrest you, consider taking proactive steps that reduce the stress and embarrassment of being arrested. Voluntarily surrendering can reduce the amount of time you spend in police custody and lessen the overall drama of the situation.

Depending on the circumstances of your warrant, you may be able to get a pre-approved bond and then voluntarily surrender to the police. This so-called “jail walk-through” expedites the bonding out process and gets you out of police custody faster than if you waited to be arrested. Furthermore, taking proactive steps and voluntarily surrendering shows the court system that you are responsible and cooperative. This can strengthen your case substantially.

Contact Our Austin Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Midland Texas criminal defense attorneys at Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. can help you pursue a pre-approved personal bond so that you can avoid the stress of being arrested. Call our skilled Travis County criminal defense attorneys today at 512-474-2222 to learn more about how we can help you.


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