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Tips to Follow If You Are Arrested in Texas
If you are arrested, you might not necessarily be able to control how you react. It can be extremely stressful and distressing, and you are put in a position where you are physically and legally unable to do whatever you want. Often, the arresting officers come into the situation feeling on edge as well, and if you act in a wild or unpredictable way, they may use force or other means to control you in an attempt to control the situation. Under these unideal conditions, knowing how to conduct yourself can have a significant impact on the entire experience of having a criminal conviction. If you have any reason to believe you might get arrested, speak with a skilled Austin, TX criminal defense attorney who can guide you through any legal process and help advocate on behalf of your rights.
How to Act During an Arrest
There is no manual telling you exactly what you should do when you get arrested, particularly because every situation is different. However, the following are all good ideas for you to consider if you get arrested:
- Remain calm: As difficult as it might be, it is advisable to remain calm. If you act out, the arresting officers may react with force.
- Keep quiet: While Miranda rights are one of the most familiar parts of any crime show, with an arresting officer saying, “You have the right to remain silent,” it can be difficult to remember this when you are in the stressful situation of being arrested. Keep in mind that whatever you say can end up incriminating you further, so keeping silent until an attorney arrives is advisable.
- Cooperate with the police: Try to comply with whatever the police ask of you.
- Request an attorney: Do not try to handle your case alone. A lawyer with experience handling similar cases can make all the difference for your outcome.
- Remember what is happening: Try to remember every detail you can about your arrest, including the names of every person you come into contact with and anything else about the circumstances. This might help your defense later on.
How Not to Act During an Arrest
Just like there are certain things we advise you to try to do, there are also certain things you should try to avoid doing, including:
- Do not destroy evidence: If you are caught trying to tamper with, hide, or destroy evidence in any way, you might face further charges
- Do not give any statements or submit to any searches: Unless you have an attorney present, do not speak with the police, make any written or oral statements, or submit to searches.
- Do not try to evade arrest: The arresting officers will likely end up arresting you, but your attempt to resist could increase the chance that you will face unnecessary force in the process.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Texas Defense Attorney
If you anticipate getting arrested, an Austin, TX defense lawyer can provide you with invaluable guidance based on years of experience. Call Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. at 512-474-2222 for a free consultation.