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How Long Will My Personal Injury Claim Take?
It can be a hard decision to pursue a personal injury case; you might be focused on recovering from your injuries, stressing about income you lost as a result, and concerned about any repairs you need to make. The idea of beginning a legal proceeding can seem overwhelming. Despite all that, you probably understand that the damages you can recover can make the process worthwhile.
Once you have made the decision and are ready to begin, you are probably wondering how long it will take until that money is in your pocket. While all personal injury cases are unique and can be settled differently, several factors can affect how long yours will take. An experienced Texas personal injury lawyer who has helped many clients recover damages can review your case and give you reasonable expectations for how long it might take.
What Factors Influence Your Personal Injury Case Timeline?
There is no one answer for how long it will take until your personal injury case is settled and you receive your damages, although there are several factors that can impact the timeline.
Liability Disputes
If several parties may have contributed to the accident, there could be questions about who is at fault. It can take time to establish liability because your lawyer might need to collect evidence, conduct witness interviews, reconstruct the accident, and include expert testimony.
Severity of Your Injuries
If you suffered severe injuries or require long-term medical care, your case might take longer to settle because you need to understand the full extent of the accident’s impact on your life before you agree to any settlement. If you rush to settle too quickly because you think the sooner it is settled, the sooner you get the money, you can end up accepting much less than you are entitled to.
Negotiations with the Insurance Company
Even when someone is clearly at fault in an accident that caused your injury, insurance companies tend to fight claims and generally do not immediately agree to fair settlements. They might use delay tactics, try to intimidate you into accepting a low-ball offer, or otherwise impede the process until they are ultimately compelled to settle with you. Thankfully, a skilled personal injury lawyer knows how to handle these challenges and will fight aggressively to get you what you deserve.
Court Docket
If negotiations are unsuccessful and you need to bring your dispute to court, the court’s schedule could add further delays to your timeline. Texas courts often have serious backlogs, so your initial trial date might be much later than you expect. There is not much you or your lawyer can do about this delay, but it is important to remember that although it takes longer than accepting an initial offer from the insurance company, you can end up with significantly more money by waiting.
Schedule a Free Consultation with an Austin, TX Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have suffered because of someone else’s actions, speak with a qualified Midland, TX personal injury attorney to understand your options. At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we have experience helping clients recover maximum damages regardless of the specific circumstances of their cases and we are dedicated to helping you get a favorable outcome to your case. Call 512-474-2222 for a free consultation.