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How Can I Get My Suspended License Back?

 Posted on June 11,2024 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerIf you are caught driving while intoxicated (DWI), there are many ways you might be penalized depending on the specifics of what happened. You might need to complete community service, pay fines, serve time in jail, and you might even have your driver’s license suspended. If that happens, it is illegal for you to drive, even if you need to drive to work or to deal with a family emergency. For people who rely on their ability to drive for various important aspects of their daily lives, the prospect of a suspended license can be very distressing. The good news is that there is hope. The state of Texas does allow for driver’s license reinstatement after a DWI under certain conditions. Speak with a dedicated Austin, TX criminal defense attorney to understand how you might get your license reinstated.

When Is a Driver’s License Suspended?

When someone is arrested for a DWI, one of the consequences they will face is having their license suspended. What many people do not know is that your license can be suspended even if you are not convicted. It can be suspended for 90 days without a conviction if you fail a breathalyzer and for 180 days if you refuse to submit to the test.

Challenging a Suspension

An Administrative License Revocation (ALR) hearing is something anyone can request if their license has been suspended. This is an opportunity for you to plead your case and request that the suspension ends.

If that does not work, you might be eligible for an essential need license or occupational license. This is a special arrangement for someone whose license was suspended but who still needs to drive for something essential like going to school, work, or medical treatments.

Another option is having an ignition interlock device installed in your car. This device acts as a breathalyzer that needs to be passed before the vehicle can physically be driven, and it is another way for you to drive legally even though your license is suspended.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Austin, TX DWI Lawyer

Getting your license suspended can seem like an unfair burden. The good news is that there are ways to get you back on the road without breaking the law. An experienced Midland, TX DWI defense attorney can advise you on your options for challenging the suspension and getting your license reinstated. At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. we understand how debilitating it can be when your right to drive has been revoked. Call us at [[phone] to schedule a free consultation so we can review your case and help you navigate how to move forward.

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